Brain Rain Solutions develops your project from start to finish without increasing your budget. We will work on your project until your company is 100% satisfied.
We create well documented scalable code that can handle your company's growth. Our code is cleaner than polished shoes and more organized than books at a library. As a result, maintenance is easy and your company can save thousands of dollars in coding time.
Our team of experts helped these companies create innovative solutions like determine the right paint for your room using Augmented Reality, control your speaker from your mobile device with Internet of Things, or even streamline business process to earn over $1 millions/year.
Get a free infographic to show you how to turn your next app into a reality.
You no longer have to worry about wasting money on inexperienced programmers. We hand pick programmers to custom fit your project so you can keep a peace of mind.
“ Their specialized team gives your project the attention it needs to thrive. Well done BRS!”
We are your one-stop shop for both mobile/web apps. We integrate web and mobile ideas into one package and bring your ideas to life quickly. This benefit will allow you to reach maximum productivity, rid yourself of product management nightmares, and shave time off your project timeline.
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Like Bennett's Mill Middle School App, we create your app like we own it. We buy into your app and have a sense of pride for every line of code we write. It is tough to find a group of passionate programmers who are willing to go to war for you.
Creating an experience that your customer will love is the cornerstone for a successful product. We study your users psychology identifying different customer pains and gains to optimize the user experience.
"What a awesome app this is - I've been searching forever for something like this to come along - WOW"
154 Bowen Circle, Atlanta, GA 30315
P: +4049891988
E: info@brainrainsolutions.com